Shop Catalogues
A collection of contemplations in prayer
9-page PDF / 32-page hardcopy booklet. This contemporary collection of prayers contains traditional Buddhist prayers and wisdoms expressed in modern English language. Use it as a full Puja text, or individual contemplations as meditative practice. The text contains lovely prayers suitable for ceremonies and celebrations, including weddings, births, and memorials. Prayers can be adapted and varied to suit the need, carrying the heart of the ideas and wisdoms involved.
A Mindful Peace
2-page contemplative writing on mindful peace. All lives seek healing and peace. Peace here means a healthy humanity working for the health of the world at every level of experience.
Booking Mindful Walking Weekend at Fair Harvest Permaculture March 2025
Learn mindful walking in nature techniques with Regenerative bushland manager, Permaculturalist and Universalist Dharma teacher Lama Sonam / Ian Hackett on the Fair Harvest Permaculture Farm and Bushland.
Booking Theravada Dhamma Retreat at Coorain and the Origins Centre, March 2025
Join us for retreat at Coorian and the Origins Centre, Balingup, with Lama Sonam Dhagpo of Tig-Le House. In a structured and supportive environment, explore teachings and practices from the Theravada Dhamma tradition that deepen understanding of Buddha Dhamma and the practices supporting Refuge, igniting the intention for peace and health, fostering mindfulness, and cultivation of our compassionate minds/hearts and lives.
Booking Tuesday Mindfulness Seven-Week Training Program, Term 1, 2025
This seven-week mindfulness program is open to anyone interested in learning and practising mindfulness techniques. These sessions cover aspects of both traditional and contemporary approaches in a sequential and practical way with an emphasis on how it applies to everyday life.
Booking Wednesday Dharma Study and Practice Group, Term 1, 2025
In the first series of Buddha Dharma teachings for 2025, we explore the Theravada Dhamma and associated meditative practices within a universalist tradition encompassing both secular and sacred elements.
Bookings Monday Mindfulness Open House, Term 1, 2025
Mondays 7pm. These open-house sessions are open to anyone wanting to sit and cultivate Mindfulness in an open and dedicated way with an experienced teacher-practitioner. They are open to new and experienced practitioners.
Contribution, gift or offering
If you would like to support Tig-Le House, you can make a Contribution, gift, or offering.
All contributions go 100% to running community mindfulness and mediation training sessions through Tig-Le House.
What your contribution supports:
Making regular foundation teaching and training sessions accessible for anyone in need; we offer sponsored positions.
Provide training resources and handouts for participants supporting their ongoing practice.
Provide practical daily essentials, including – tea, chairs, cushions, winter rugs, heating and water.If you would like to make a contribution, we would love to hear from you. You can make a contribution here or contact us directly at:
All your support, offerings and involvement are deeply appreciated.
Ecodharma Refuge Tree Meditation
2-page contemplative meditation and visualisation. An ancient Buddhadharma meditation technique adapted to help foster a sense of Refuge – a feeling of safety, shelter and protection in this life, connection, solidarity, strength and support, experienced through an ecological perspective.