Universalist Buddha Dharma teacher
Born in Perth, Western Australia, in 1972, Ian’s Path to the Dharma teachings began at 15 years of age when he discovered meditation with a practice group at Perth Modern School before going on to practice with various groups and peoples from a variety of cultural traditions. Later, Ian received formal instruction in the universalist Buddha-Dharma tradition, including mindfulness, meditation and mind training techniques through the lineage network of The Late Ven. Namgyal Rinpoche, Anandha Bodhi. Ian interweaves these practices with acute early environmental awareness and over 30 years in regenerative bushland management, Landcare and permaculture. Ian shares the dharma, focusing on a social-ecological lens for health, peace and Refuge.

Growing up between city life and the family farm in Yuat country North of Perth, Ian’s earliest memories were deeply rooted in nature. As a young boy, from around seven years of age, Ian learned a deep love and care for nature from being allowed to roam freely on the farm, spending much of his time in the natural bushland, creeks and gullies on the property, immersed in the seasonal rhythms of nature. Witnessing both the harmony and devastation within the environment, Ian also recalls the harm inflicted on the landscape by land-clearing and unsustainable farming practices that had become the basis of modern industrial agriculture in Australia. These left an indelible mark on his consciousness.
After working as a labourer in agriculture and landscaping, Ian went on to travel, trek and work across Australian landscapes in environmental weed management programs in the Kimberley, along with studies, volunteering and employment in regenerative bushland management, Landcare, and forest conservation in the WA Wheatbelt, Great Southern, and the Northern Rivers Region of NSW, rainforests of Cape Tribulation, Daintree and Cairns. Together, these experiences and learning have imbued a passion for ecological restoration, regeneration and education and a dedication to the health of people and Earth. And as many of you would know, the effort and care can also take its toll.
Driven by the need for respite, calm and stability, Ian sought support through mindfulness and contemplative meditation within the Secular Universalist Buddhist Dharma tradition, guided by mentor Lama Chime Shore. Following his teacher’s request to facilitate mindfulness retreats and teach in the Dharma tradition, Ian established Tig-Le House in Margaret River. Through Tig-Le House, Ian shares his wealth of experience, offering community-based mindfulness and meditation sessions, Ecodharma and nature retreats, and on local permaculture design courses.
Ian aspires to foster a deeper connection and love in humans for their own lives, towards humanity and the natural world, where the rhythms of nature and society coexist in health, peace, and an all-inclusive shared Refuge.
Acknowledgement and respect
Ian acknowledges significant influences and teachers on his spiritual and ecological development path, including Elder (name withheld for cultural reasons) of Miriwoong country (Wyndham, Kununurra, Ord River, Keep River and Nicholson River areas); Yuat country (Wannamal); Muli Muli community members and Elders of the Bundjalung Nation (Northern Rivers Region, NSW); Lama Karma Chime Shore (Origins Centre, Western Australian); Lama Choyin Rinpoche (Rumtek, Sikkim); H.H. 17th Karmapa Thaye Dorje (Karma Kagyu); Goreng, Menang and Wardandi/Wadandi custodians of the Noongar Nation (Albany, Denmark and Margaret River Regions); the Late Venerable Namgyal Rinpoche / Anandha Bodhi, Sayadaw U Thila Wonta Mon. Mahathera (Burmese Mon.); and there are many more.
Ian’s focus is to continue the work of this cross-cultural teaching tradition and to develop culturally appropriate forms of mindfulness and meditation training in an ecological context to meet the complexities of the unfolding global challenge whilst remaining true to ancient secular and sacred Buddhist wisdom.
Ian shares regular community-based mindfulness sessions, mindfulness, meditation, and nature retreats through Tig-Le House and other venues. You can attend sessions on Buddhist studies and sacred ceremonies. Ian leads community mindful walking sessions, forest ecology, and regenerative bushland management walks on private bushland; Ian is a regular teacher on local permaculture design courses run by Fair Harvest Permaculture. These retreats, classes and group work contribute to participants’ experiences by building foundations that encourage the possibilities for increased emergence of a healthy humanity working for the health and peace of the world, realized in everyday life and living.
You can find Ian’s teaching calendar here at Calendar | Tig-Le House (tiglehouse.org) and his latest retreat schedule here Retreats & Events | Tig-Le House (tiglehouse.org) or go to the Tig-Le House resources and offerings page to download a useable mindfulness or dharma resources here at Resources and offerings Category | Tig-Le House (tiglehouse.org)