Tig-Le House Newsletter 11th June 2020

Hi friends of Tig-Le House,

We are getting close to the end of this term. To celebrate together you are invited to a Shared meal and meditative ceremony ‘Wongkur’ on Friday 3rd July. Join us for an early light dinner from 5pm onwards, ceremony at 6.30pm. Please bring simple food to share. Children are welcomed.

This Wongkur is the sacred meditative practice of Amitabha Buddha a central figure and principle in the tradition of Mahayana Buddhism representing our ability for deep love and intelligence working together discerning what is, and what is not compassion. An important practice in life we all seek to do naturally, developed by purposeful engagement.

Half day community mindfulness workshop Saturday 20th June 9am – 12noon @ Fair Harvest Permaculture. This valuable and challenging practice of compassionate engagement takes real courage and effort. In this workshop we will use a meditative practice on Karuna (Compassion) to explore how mindfulness aids responsible social engagement.

9am – 10.15am. Foundations for understanding engaged mindfulness. The original intention of ancient mindfulness was to have a practice which built up our capacity to contribute to society and life in meaningful responsible ways, increasingly compassionate.

10.30am – 12noon. The second half of the workshop focuses on a specific meditation practice of compassionate engagement. You will get an opportunity to have a go at the practice both individually and collectively as a group together.

Bookings: https://tiglehouse.org/events/event/half-day-community-mindfulness-workshop-20th-june-2020/  

Sponsored positions: tiglehouse@gmail.com

Weekly mindfulness and dharma sessions. For the rest of this term we will continue to combine online and in-person sessions. You can see the updated Covid-19 Plan at the Tig-Le Studio entrance.

IMPORTANT new links for online mindfulness – 16th June to 2nd July. The previous ones are now expired. Contact Tig-Le for the new links.

The sessions have been enjoyed and we have found ways to make it work effectively. We will finish this term off on 2nd July and look to continue offering online access next term.

This term finishes with the Wongkur and dinner on the 3rd July and we will reopen from the 20th July.

Kind regards and many thanks for engaging with mindfulness through these times and we look forward to your continued involvement with practice and the Tig-Le community.

Well wishes to everyone 

Ian and family

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