Photo: Mindfulness and Nature Retreat – heading into bushland at Fair Harvest Permaculture
“Each of us has a wealth of innate knowledge about this world and nature—an intrinsic understanding of our sacred relationship within life and Earth. Mindfulness, our ability to be attentive, caring, and ethically engaged with life, enriches this sacred bond. It deepens our sense of connectedness, instils a feeling of well-being, and provides Refuge—a calmer, friendlier, and healthier dialogue with the nature of existence.” ~ Tig-Le House ~
Mindfulness and Nature Retreats
Our Mindfulness and nature retreats explore the foundations of contemporary and traditional mindfulness and meditation practices, nature immersion, and simplistic creative activities. We host weekends and 5-day semi-silent retreats dedicated to exploring mindfulness through an ecological lens, including the elements and the senses, mindful walking, rest and respite.
Ecodharma Retreats
Applying ancient approaches to mindfulness and contemplative meditation within a universalist cross-cultural Buddhist tradition, applied in a time of ecological and societal crisis and change, can assist the emergence of life-affirming individuals, human societies, and cultures.
Ecodharma defined:
Eco – Doing no harm to the living world. A caring involvement with the living environments and ecological foundations of life.
Dharma – Practices and teachings arising from understanding nature and phenomena that increasingly support wisdom, knowledge, compassionate activity, and continual development of an all-encompassing global health and peace in every aspect of reality.
Ecodharma – The purposeful development of ecological ethical conduct as an aspect of mature, compassionate consciousness.
Meditation and dharma teaching retreats
5-day semi-silent meditation retreats – Dedicated to universalist secular and sacred Buddha-dharma teachings and practices in the Burmese Weizzer and Tibetan Kagyu tradition through the lineage teachings of the Late Ven. Namgyal Rinpoche.
Metta Meditation – The possibilities for deep friendship, love and understanding extended to all lives and the natural world.
Mindful Breath – Building awareness of the breathing body of life through connection with our breath, the breathing aspects of nature and the cycles of existence.
Annual country Dharma campout – This retreat, via invitation, is an opportunity for formal students and regular dedicated practitioners at Tig-Le to do longer retreat in a rural setting. Participants are fully self-sufficient; there are extended periods of silence and self-reliant practice, accompanied by teacher support. Here is the video from our latest campout Tig-Le House country dharma campout July 2023 | Tig-Le House (
Cancellations and Refunds Policy Tig-Le House (