Medicine Buddha Puja

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27-page downloadable PDF / 47-page hardcopy booklet (email: to order a hard copy). This is a contemporary Puja to Medicine Buddha as the historical Buddha in healing form. Based on traditional Buddhist texts expressed with an ecological and social justice lens.

A meaningful practice, a relevant guide for developing engaged, compassionate thought and action in modern daily life.

Please get in touch with to purchase a hard copy. (Minimum charge involved for hard copies).


Here is an excerpt from the Puja – From the Twelve Commitments of Medicine Buddha:

Enable social medicine, a Just society, asylum, shelter and Refuge for all.
Freedom from the harms of poverty, climate and ecological desecration, political corruption; the loss of protection caused by exploitation.

Heal the imbalances of disastrous inequality and the harms of domestic violence.
Uphold the rights of women, children, and all—respect to the diversity of gender identity, choice of sexual relations and freedoms.

Protection from the harms of prejudice and discrimination, alienation, marginalisation and oppression
based on privilege, gender, race or cultural identity.

Lift the hearts and minds of humanity into a harmonious collaboration, compassionate response to all the adversity encountered in this world.

Great healing of the individual, great healing of humanity. This World is medicine, this life is medicine, when healing is not possible, rest the heart, when healing is possible, turn the mind, when healing, turn to the world.